Monday, 16 May 2011


Betsy Johnson AW11-12

New Romantics- The youth fashion and music movement which flourished in the U.K. in the late 70's. Developed in mainly the clubs in London, this subculture has emerged from punk and disco, associated with bands such as Visage, Culture Club, Duran Duran etc. It was a futuristic and a romantic reaction to Brit punk. They respected clothes and wanted to look glamourous in a theatrical way. The use of velvet, the shoulder structure and bold ruffles of Betsy Johnson in her AW 11/12 collection obviously was influenced by this glamourous subculture.

Mandy Coon AW11-12

Goths- The subculture that emerged in England in early 80's. Its influence can be seen a lot on streets today. Its details are often borrowed from Elizabethan, Victorian or Medieval periods and often express individuality through pagan or religious details. But as seen on Mandy Coon's latest collection, the feeling can also be expressed by a minimal approach. Mandy Coon used leather, long silhouettes, dark accents on hair and of course, black, which expresses this subculture clearly.

Frankie Morello AW11-12

Rockabilly- One of the earliest styles of rock'n roll music, and it has emerged in the 50's in the Southern United States. This subculture has a very strong influence on today's youth. Designer Frankie Morello expressed this subculture through one of the strongest features of rockabilly, which is the tattoo. The hairstyle and the colors, the rock jacket, and the embroidered rockabilly&pin-up tattoo images on a sweater is a wonderful re-interpretation of the movement.

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