Monday, 16 May 2011


Betsy Johnson AW11-12

New Romantics- The youth fashion and music movement which flourished in the U.K. in the late 70's. Developed in mainly the clubs in London, this subculture has emerged from punk and disco, associated with bands such as Visage, Culture Club, Duran Duran etc. It was a futuristic and a romantic reaction to Brit punk. They respected clothes and wanted to look glamourous in a theatrical way. The use of velvet, the shoulder structure and bold ruffles of Betsy Johnson in her AW 11/12 collection obviously was influenced by this glamourous subculture.

Mandy Coon AW11-12

Goths- The subculture that emerged in England in early 80's. Its influence can be seen a lot on streets today. Its details are often borrowed from Elizabethan, Victorian or Medieval periods and often express individuality through pagan or religious details. But as seen on Mandy Coon's latest collection, the feeling can also be expressed by a minimal approach. Mandy Coon used leather, long silhouettes, dark accents on hair and of course, black, which expresses this subculture clearly.

Frankie Morello AW11-12

Rockabilly- One of the earliest styles of rock'n roll music, and it has emerged in the 50's in the Southern United States. This subculture has a very strong influence on today's youth. Designer Frankie Morello expressed this subculture through one of the strongest features of rockabilly, which is the tattoo. The hairstyle and the colors, the rock jacket, and the embroidered rockabilly&pin-up tattoo images on a sweater is a wonderful re-interpretation of the movement.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Rockabilly ROCKS!

Rockabilly is one of the earliest styles of rock’n roll music, and emerged in the early 1950’s, primarily in the Southern United States. The word rockabilly is a perfect blend of rock from the genre of rock’n roll, and billy from hillbilly. It references to the country music that contributed strongly to the development of the style. Western swing, boogie woogie and rhythm and blues are some other influences on rockabilly. The influence and popularity of the style decreased in the 60’s, but had a major revival in the late 70s and early 80’s.

                            Christian Dior, SS11

50’s has been coming slowly in the past few years. Since 2005, an interest in the Southern United States Culture have been developing worldwide started with the film called ‘’Walk the line’’ which was about the life of the legend country music singer: Johnny Cash. ‘’Madmen’’, the TV series which is generally inspired by 50’s and the Betty Draper character is also a big influence on youth. ‘’Crazy Heart’’ the film that won the Oscars in Best film and also Gwyneth Paltrow has come up with a country music album recently. When this southern influence combines with the other popular look of the past year, burlesque, there comes the rockabilly look.

                                     Frankie Morello, AW11-12

                                    Frankie Morello, AW11-12 

50’s Betty Page hair is back. As it can be seen in Christian Dior SS11 look. Short fringe with wavy long hair, either down or up styled with a bandanna. Brunettes, who took over the scene in the second half of 2000’s, are still the stars. Eyeliner, red lips, circular mid length skirts, leopards, little jackets and tattoes are some key words to this look. Bandannas are having a major revival these days on streets. It has been an integral accessory for many subcultures from gangs to workwear fanatics, as well as rockabillies. Back in the days, women were never seen outside of the house with a bandana on their head. That was something worn only for a few reasons: keeping your hair up when in the bath, keeping your hair back when doing house cleaning, or during the war when women were working in factories.